All Stewards of the Sierra National Forest Fundraiser Oct 23/24 Near Bass Lake/Yosemite

Looks like Oct 23/24 out of the Oakhurst Elks Lodge so we can use trails North of Hwy 41. This will be a SOTSNF fundraiser and BBQ. Oh, and the optional dual sport ride is free.

There will be camping available at the Elks Lodge and we'll be able to use their hall for the BBQ Sat. night.

More details soon when we everything nailed down and the flyer created but just wanted to give a heads up so you can save the date.

Lot's of Bass Lake 250 trails and some new terrain also!

Last chance ride to hit great trails that will be closed in 2011 thanks to the Sierra National Forest Plan. Your donation will help fight the closures.
Details are starting to be organized. The Elks Lodge has a Friday night dinner open to the public and we'll offer this as an option. Also The Lodge will offer a Sunday morning breakfast, again optional. We'll have our catered BBQ on Sat. night that will be included in the donation. How to reserve a camp site is still in discussion whether we take the reservation/money or whether the rider will reserve directly with the Elks Lodge.

The Elks Lodge is located at the intersection of Hwy 41 and Rd 222 (turn off to Bass Lake). I used it a few times for the Bass Lake 250 in the past.

The location allows us to use terrain to the north, lot's of single track and some stuff we've never used in a dual sport ride before.

More details and flyer upcoming.
