Since we are talking riding styles, I was looking through my photos looking at how guys are shifting there weight, where there feet where, etc and thought I would share some. Look how the bodies are in relationship to the bikes. These pictures were shot at a 100 mile desert race. Though they all made it some were definitly under better control.
These guys were the Pro Class
These are the non pro. Keep in mind this point is at about 95 miles into the race.
Okay now this is a steep hill full of nasty little rocks and a few ruts that everyone had to come down after about 50 miles.
Across the Flat!
These guys were the Pro Class

These are the non pro. Keep in mind this point is at about 95 miles into the race.

Okay now this is a steep hill full of nasty little rocks and a few ruts that everyone had to come down after about 50 miles.

Across the Flat!