Anybody have a good way of doing this? I've heard soap and water first. Any other ideas?
I've always used Brand lable windex. The alcohol in the real windex dries Quik.Use alot of it. A few tips: Have really clean hands. If your fingers are dirty where you must touch the adhesive it will peel up there in time. Do a dry fit and get some bearings or land marks wear the Graphic should line up. A strong hair dryer or a Model airplane heat Gun is a MUST. The hardest areas will be the number plate at the pipe side and the rear fender.This were the heat gun comes in handy. Once the graphic is set start working out the wrinkles and liquids of your desire from the middle out. Do not fight the graphic and if use enough windex don't be afraid to reset it from the begining. Not fighting it means some wrinkles or bends want to pull out a certain direction or need to be first. This is common sense.Once again this is wear the heat gun comes into play and let the heat do the work. They heat gun will help dry the graphics and adhere them. Most important is to rub down really well with a soft towel. Let the bike sit for a few days and check after or before work to rub down again to remove air bubles and make sure all corners are sticking. Lose edges can be heated up and reapplied. Don't freit little air bubbles or pull the graphic because of them. they will show up in a few days time and can be removed my popping them with a pin and resealing with the heat gun. If you have a difficult edge or corner that peels up in time it can be readhered with spray on adhesive and the heat gun.
I've always used Brand lable windex. The alcohol in the real windex dries Quik.Use alot of it. A few tips: Have really clean hands. If your fingers are dirty where you must touch the adhesive it will peel up there in time. Do a dry fit and get some bearings or land marks wear the Graphic should line up. A strong hair dryer or a Model airplane heat Gun is a MUST. The hardest areas will be the number plate at the pipe side and the rear fender.This were the heat gun comes in handy. Once the graphic is set start working out the wrinkles and liquids of your desire from the middle out. Do not fight the graphic and if use enough windex don't be afraid to reset it from the begining. Not fighting it means some wrinkles or bends want to pull out a certain direction or need to be first. This is common sense.Once again this is wear the heat gun comes into play and let the heat do the work. They heat gun will help dry the graphics and adhere them. Most important is to rub down really well with a soft towel. Let the bike sit for a few days and check after or before work to rub down again to remove air bubles and make sure all corners are sticking. Lose edges can be heated up and reapplied. Don't freit little air bubbles or pull the graphic because of them. they will show up in a few days time and can be removed my popping them with a pin and resealing with the heat gun. If you have a difficult edge or corner that peels up in time it can be readhered with spray on adhesive and the heat gun.
im not sure but like on my grips and stuff i use gasoline, it works really really well
Gas would eat the glue on the graphic...You use gasoline to put on your graphics:
I now know that i don't ever want to ever put on decals cuz it sounds way to hard to do and i do not have that kind of patients
im not sure but like on my grips and stuff i use gasoline, it works really really well
Gas would eat the glue on the graphic...