This is my logic. Im thinking I will likely go with that little Honda sport bike in the photo. Its brand new this year. Its only a 250, its fuel injected, comes with optional ABS, and Honda rates it at 77 MPG per all the info that I have read. Bike cost $3999. So after taxes, doc fee, assembly etc Im looking at probably $4500 or so total bill to buy the bike. Ive got somewhere around $1500 that I will likely be able to put as a down payment. So I'll only finance about $3000. Even if I get a crappy interest rate say 10% and finance over 48 months. My monthly payment will be at or near $100 a month. Bike holds 3.4 gallons and even if gas goes up to $5.00 a gallon its only $15 to fill it. Even if it doesnt get the estimated 77 mpg lets say 60 mpg thats a 180 mile range. This bike would only be used for commuting to and from work. Its 22 miles one way to work and I only work 4 days a week, thats 176 miles a week with .4 of a gallon or so left in the bike. $15 bucks a week x4 thats $60 a month + the payment $160 + insurance say $45 a month thats $205 a month to ride the bike. Compared to the at or near $400 a month to put just fuel in my Diesel truck. Now it was brought up "what about the weather" Im not afraid of the cold or rain. I keep my work clothes at work and have wet weather riding gear. Conservatively I can ride the bike 6 months out of the year. Realistically closer to 7 or 8 months. And our winters are pretty mild here in Nevada, though we do see snow. So total cost to drive my truck year round based on current fuel prices and my driving habits is at or about $4800 a year. Now with the bike figures at $205 a month if I ride year round thats a $2300 a year savings. Even If I road only road the bike 8 months out of the year its still money saved. Sure there will be maintenance cost and what ever, but I would be paying that on my truck also. I figure if I cannot make the tires on that bike last the approximate 8400 miles a year there is something wrong. The chain should last atleast that long if not longer. Oil and filter changes should only be half or less than what I pay to do it on my truck. I still think I will be in the green for money saved.
I have looked at and considered getting a used bike. But it is a USED bike. You just dont know the history and even if the seller tells you its been taken care of never raced or abused. I always assume they are lying, unless I actually know the history of the bike. So buying new in my opinion is the best route just to avoid the hidden costs that typically rear there ugly head. Not to mention the fun factor that Rock Monster mentioned. Even if I only just break even It will still be worth while.
I do truly appreciate the input given. If I didnt want your opinions I would not have posted this. So keep them coming.