Met up with some fellow DBA riders 03-13-2011

Short and sweet, so I figured what the heck, I'll drive a little extra to find a spot that some of the other guys ride. New to me as I have never, semi to to the few, and old to others.
Anyways, It was a total of 7. 530KTM, his son and two of his buddies, P841 JR JR, P841Stoner, and myself.
Here we are running for the hills down the main road.

Trail shots.



And we are off again.




Safety meeting or were the hell are we going next.
So it seems the "Host" of the ride and buddies have been here before but not to sure about where to go next. Not to mention one of them kept saying he needed lunch. :lol: :lol: That was funny but it was all a good time.

We then ended up on a dry lake bed and I circled my boys to see what they were doing and one of the other gentleman looked for a way off this flat crisp thing.



Soon, we were back on a trail and running in a pack. I figured I would shoot a picture of my oldest riding behind me.

After another stop to ask about some desert features we headed over to the petroglyph canyon.

Mr Lizard is warming him self.

Best one out there. :thumb:

P841Stoner is showing off his SRH look. :lol:

More to follow.....
If you get off that big, wide, flat road, you'll find some awesome single track. :ride:

If you weren't a flake and came out to show us how awesome this place is we would have hit that single track you talk about. :prof:

We had a good time and hit some fun stuff, I need to bring my GPS or get a new one so I can figure out where I am. Also, the boys need desert tanks so we are not worried about to big of a loop.
If you weren't a flake and came out to show us how awesome this place is we would have hit that single track you talk about. :prof:

We had a good time and hit some fun stuff, I need to bring my GPS or get a new one so I can figure out where I am. Also, the boys need desert tanks so we are not worried about to big of a loop.

I'll be flaking for a while, the way things are going right now. That place is easy to get turned around, so a GPS might be a good idea, desert tanks are also good for peace of mind, since there is nothing out there.:ride::prof:
Ok, where was I? Right after the Indian Scribbles and the Graffiti we hit a long sand wash and then one of the Crash sights with some fun trails. Sorry about that ugly bike in this photo. :P

The boys showing how happy they are on the new sled dirt-cycles.


A shot from the Radar Tower, I felt like I was glowing next to that thing.

P841 JR JR

A shot of the fun Canyon run out.



Back to the trucks we went and no more photos from my camera. I hope 530KTM decides to post up the shots he and his buddies took. Great day, great people, sweet place to ride and explore. Next time it will be longer than 55 miles, I'll bring the GPS and learn how to tag places.
I'll be flaking for a while, the way things are going right now. That place is easy to get turned around, so a GPS might be a good idea, desert tanks are also good for peace of mind, since there is nothing out there.:ride::prof:

No problem Tim, I hope all is going well or at least good for you and that Tranny. We will hook up soon I hope and out there would be a great place. :ride:

That looks awesome P:thumb: one question though - where is the snow?:noidea:

Snow? Snow? This is California man, if you need snow you have to look way off in the distance and squint just right and you can see the snow caped mountains in the far distance..... I will do a snow RR next time just for you. :P
Sweet report Palmer, looks like you guys had a good time. Question; why is one of your son's names Stoner? Does he like hitting rocks? :noidea:
Sweet report Palmer, looks like you guys had a good time. Question; why is one of your son's names Stoner? Does he like hitting the clinic? :noidea:

I figure some of you that met him over the TG/DBA in Spangler would know he was the older of my two boys. :smirk: :smirk:
Nice trail pictures Gary. We hit more sand washes than usual but then that happens when you tread unfamiliar grounds, but all was good except my kid hates riding in the sand. :foul:Here are a couple of pictures I eeked out just for peace of mind. :thinking: DSCN1294.jpg Our first stop to make sure all was good. DSCN1292.jpg And then a couple more of the area. DSCN1296.jpg DSCN1296.jpg Here are a couple of the rock art canyon. DSCN1298.jpgDSCN1301.jpg Got to get a shot of me and my son. DSCN1309.jpg Again, the crash site memorial and then the radar tower view point. DSCN1304.jpgDSCN1306.jpgDSCN1310.jpg What a great day out in the beautiful deserts. Maybe next time some others will be able to join us. :thinking: