Malvern MX race report

Ok, as many of you know, Jeremy Mach and I met up at malvern to race 250C. Overall I got 18 out of 21 and he got 19 out of 21. It was awesome, the track soil was perfect and the weather was nice. I got the holeshot in moto 2 and he did in moto 1 so that kicked ass. Heres my photos and vids of the holeshot from both motos and he has alot more to say so I'll just get it started!
Looks like a good day of riding. If you plan on racing a lot you should look into getting a holeshot device. They help a ton.
Good race report and video. I am Iron Man!:thumb: So this was a night race? Some pics look like day time others night time. Practice day, race at night? A night race looks like a lot of fun! Good job guys:clap:
Thanks! Moto1 was early on, moto 2 came alot later. Theres a killer wait inbetween, I might pick up a second class.

Yeah if you only do 1 moto then the wait is a killer... We usually have about 24 motos in a set, 2 sets on race day... Its a long day
when I started (1982) you were usually home by 3 and that was with 20 minute +2laps motos... you only had amatuer and pro races... no abc, no vet classes, no schoolboy. 2 mini classes a 125a and 125pro class a 250a and 250pro class and an openpro class... No practice days either. 4 laps at the beginning of the day... thats the only time you got to ride the track.