Loss in Power, Just moved...

Ok well, I think I may have found the problem. But I have no idea really. So I took my air filter off and it is definitely dirty. So I will clean it. But inside the air filter box it looks pretty clean but there is a small puddle of liquid. I stuck my finger in it and it feels like oil. And is yellow like oil...Why is that there? I am posting a pic. You can see the liquid right under the circle thing that goes to the engine. I'll also make sure to clean right outside of the air filter box as it is pretty dirty. One more thing, when I put the air filter back on do I put a ring of grease around the air box where the air filter will go on?
I blob grease on the air filter where it seals against the air box, a fairly liberal amount.
Run a bead of grease around the seal.
Check the breather tube off the head to the air box, my 2008 EFI husky did that once.
With a clean air filter and intake box you should be golden, EFI bikes do not need to be jetted for altitude, gas it up and go, the system does the rest.
When you go to a higher altitude there is less air hence less oxygen. Jetting will get the fuel air balance back where it is suposed to be, and your injection should be doing that. Jetting or the computer controlled injection will not make up for the loss of oxygen and loss of atmospheric pressure.

the stalling makes me wonder how your valves are doing. new or not.
What I see looks like oil being blown back into the air cleaner form blow by or excess oil in the engine.
The oil breather line goes back into the air filter box. When you change the oil be very cautious about the amount you put in and be sure it's not too full. If the correct amount of oil is in place then you may be seeing the first signs of ring wear which shows as blow by and you will need to consider doing a top end job.

Paw Paw