Landing On Mars

Whoah, someone mention Whale sperm??? That stuff goes for $8,590.00 an oz. up here. Someone has to start collecting it for me and ship it here - I'll set up a kiosk for us - I'm thinking, "Whale-Jizz-R-Us". Bank baby, I'm thinking of Bank. :thumb: All you have to do is go out there and find a couple of male "Blues", stroke them for about 20 - 30 minutes and presto-changeo - I'm thinking we're gabazillionaires. :thumb:

I think you meant "jizz-zillionaires"

Whoah, someone mention Whale sperm??? That stuff goes for $8,590.00 an oz. up here. Someone has to start collecting it for me and ship it here - I'll set up a kiosk for us - I'm thinking, "Whale-Jizz-R-Us". Bank baby, I'm thinking of Bank. :thumb: All you have to do is go out there and find a couple of male "Blues", stroke them for about 20 - 30 minutes and presto-changeo - I'm thinking we're gabazillionaires. :thumb:

Mike will do it :lol:

I bet hes "fist pumping" ... Hes from Jersey you know?

:prof:Way ahead of you guys..... supply and demand!
Just turn Nedges secretary upside down and shake the fuck out of her....