How guys throw a yard sale

My Husband and his two buddies had a yard sale. It was actually a very strange and fun day. Ending with a nice home cooked dinner and the Paquiao vs. Sugar Shane Mosley fight. Man:shocked: did Sugar get the Sugar knocked out of him! It was a loooong day. This video is a little long also but no worse then most boring 30 minute reality TV shows:lol:

I was happy to be there, I was able to sell my XR200. It helps that we were directly next to the "Rock Store."

The day went something like this:
:lol: nice... i'll take the bowling balls :noidea: lol... next video you should get on a giant trampoline and toss a bowling ball or two on it too :lol:
WTH :shocked:, and everyone calls us Kentuckyians rednecks :P

:lol: looks like a great day of fun was had by all. that's what life should be about good times and good friends, Roost to you sun and your fam and friends. :thumb:


Staff member
:thinking: Maybe charge people 5 per roll and see if they can smash something, might actually make some money. :lol:

:lol: BTW very funny video. :thumb:
The whole time I kept looking for the ice chest with the beers. :smirk: I figured it must be somewhere since everyone had one in their hand all the time. That is my kind of yard sale. I used to go to the Rock Store all the time on my Harley, good times there. :thumb:
I think N'edge might have been interested in that Canook lawn chair...Looks like stuff we used to do before all the fun people moved away...:cry:.....:smirk: