Yes, luckily it is a little bit easier when the line is already madeLooks fun!
Well once it is burned in, you take the "hard' out of Hard Enduro - still good stuffYes, luckily it is a little bit easier when the line is already made
You have to have a good balance between goat lines and fast paced trail + a little adventuring. Just following a single line is boring, make new lines watch others suffer on hard lines while taking an easier line. Works for me, been riding for almost 4 years and not a single regret.I went to a hard enduro place last week and it sucked. I don't know whats "fun" about it. Fkn goat trails. Bunch of armored up 2 stroke kTm's white smoking the lugs over building implosion remains. NO THANKS I'm going back to motocross you guys are sadists
Yeah, i get you i have had moments when i ask myself why do i need to do this Pisses me off when i dont make a hillclimb. After some hard line/climb/obstacle etc that i cant just make i postpone it till next time i go riding there. The harder the climb the better feeling you get from getting to the top.Ok I just watched some of your video.. 1:30 in Im saying YEAH THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT you guys are nuts! I've done my share of sketchy trails, but jeezus. I guess Im getting old
The bike in the picture makes hard enduro very hard