Edge's test photos

This one? :noidea:
:lol: O.K., O.K. I give. Uncle and all that stuff - I got nothing :lol: Now, for the love of all that is good in this world please get that blood engorged Gibbon Sunset out of my thread....:lol:
The beauty of this site is, you can post a boatload of shit and nobody, and I mean nobody pays any attention to it. :lol: So, Imma practice some more:
1. Motorhome getting burnt like a candy-arse lib on talk radio. 2. Monkey-Boy's bike. 3. Monkey-Boy wrenching. 4. Uncle Reg - best mechanic in the world and talented on the grill. :thumb:
I have not looked at this forever entertaining thread for a while until just now. What the heck happened to the burnt out motor home? And by the way, you seem to have it mastered now as to how posting up pictures works.