a little while back a freind turned me on to riding with M-pact mechanix gloves. I have found that they abesolutley rock! I first purchased a pair of the M-pact 2 which is used for impact wrenches ect. they not only have great knuckle protection and padding on the m-pact 2's but they have gell pads on the palms which are great on long rides or offroad races. i had a pair of these for two race seasons and i had to replace them with regular M-pacts ( less knuckle padding but still have gell palms). I fell like even with the gell pads they still give me a great feel for the bike. I have been highly disappointed in the junkie motocross gloves that are good for about one ride, that really have no padding on the knuckle or the palm. For me the Mechanix M-pact Series Gloves dominate them.