All Barker Ranch from Trona Pinnacles????


Staff member
So I have been looking into doing a long ride in the desert surrounding spangler.
I am familiar with everything south of trona pinnacles.
I'm interested in routes to Barker ranch (35 51'34.49"N 117 5'20.92"W) from Trona Pinnacles that are green sticker legal. Where is the boundary for the limited use areas? Will there be signage?

Any info is appreciated and roost will be dished out with great force.
-BIG DAN:ride:
I'm thinking that the barker ranch is inside the boundaries of Death Valley NP so green sticker is a no go. I've spent some time looking and I think that there may be a way around Searles dry lake on the east side. It gets real close to the boundary of China Lake range B so I don't know if it's possible or not. Going to have to check it out. Once past the lake there is a route over the mountains a few miles past the lake. From there it's a rather easy run to the ranch

If you can't get by the lake on the east side I don't think that there is a way to do it on the west without a plate.


Staff member Valley National Park
This map shows that the ranch is either right on the border or not actually in the park. There is a curly border section exactly where the ranch is. I think it would be okay if there was a way around searles lake bed. According to some research, the NP border is past Barker ranch.
Can you ride the lake bed? If so, I've got this thing sorted out and I'm willing to give it a try on the green sticker. What do you think ? -BIG DAN:ride:

I'm not afraid of an ordinance ticket, I'm afraid of an airborne ordinance!!!


Staff member
if I had a plate and wanted to not touch the road, what would the path be around searles and the mountain range?


Staff member
This adventure I'm planning will have a chase truck... looks like close to 260 miles if I can get to Barker ranch...

So, My query is, is there a way around the east side of searles lake without getting into the bomb range. I have all the other tracks ready. -BIG DAN


Staff member
Here are the two options I saw on google earth. The southern route has a paved road most of the way, so I imagine theres a way to ride along the road at a distance. Any ideas? Where is the bomb range boundary? -BIG DAN


You know the ranch burned down last year right? I wish I would have gone there, looked like a neat ranch. Once 4X4ed to the Skidoo ghost town a little north of that area, lots of cool abandoned stuff. That whole area is one reason I wish I had a plated bike.
Only time I have been to Ballarat was using the dirt road off the paved road out of Trona that heads north. Back then, there was a cranky old dude that lived there, not sure if he is still around.
Hope you plan on doing this ride soon, it gets friggin hot out there, and it is a wasteland, absolutely nothing out there in the way of services.
Good luck with the ride, roost for you when I can.


Staff member
I think I have decided to make the pinnacles the furthest north we'll get on this ride. All this desolate riding just for the chance of a ticket, or heat stroke? Screw that. Now I know why Plated bikes are so expensive... -BIG DAN:thumb: