Another week at the track and this time i played with the camera a bit. I mounted my cam on top of the helmet and i also did a swing arm view but was only able to get about a half a lap before it moved to sideways position. I also broke ANOTHER one of my pivot arm assembly's trying to tighten it down too tight today 
The video starts off with the bad... aka ME. Then it goes on to the good who is a kid named Garrett Hart that i met out at the track. He was cool enough to hit the in field jump a bunch while i video taped him. So much thanks to you Garrett... if you sign up to teh site and see this... THANKS!
i also added some music to this weeks video. Some Pennywise for my part and some Pharrell for Garrets part as he told me he is into rap. so sorry if you don't like rap but i am all over the board when it comes to music and i enjoy it anyway.
as always it will look better in 720p if you click the button. Enjoy!!!

The video starts off with the bad... aka ME. Then it goes on to the good who is a kid named Garrett Hart that i met out at the track. He was cool enough to hit the in field jump a bunch while i video taped him. So much thanks to you Garrett... if you sign up to teh site and see this... THANKS!
i also added some music to this weeks video. Some Pennywise for my part and some Pharrell for Garrets part as he told me he is into rap. so sorry if you don't like rap but i am all over the board when it comes to music and i enjoy it anyway.
as always it will look better in 720p if you click the button. Enjoy!!!