sorry for the confusing title but not too sure how else to word it. anyway my situation is this. i'm swapping my stock 426 exhaust cam for a 450 exhaust cam with the auto decompression. everything is going ok so far. problem(if it is a problem) is this. when i compared the 450 cam to the stock 426 cam the teeth on the brand new(fresh out of the box oem genuine yamaha cam) 450 cam are a bit fatter/wider. is this normal? it rides the chain fine and the teeth aren't taller or anything. just a little fatter. the spacing and tooth count is the same so in other words it's the same exact size other than the teeth being a bit fatter. am i worrying about nothing and this is normal? is it because my 426 cams may just be a bit more worn compared to the new one? thanks in advance.