Fallen Medical results - They are not good

On the 14th of June last year "2011" seen a rather straight forward medical procedure go awfully wrong which has changed my life, and not for the better.

It's extremely likely I'll soon be going into hospital for neurology and other stuff so I'll be quiet for a while.

A lot of stuff has been going on, the doctors now realise severe damage has been done somewhere in the nervous system, wouldn't even doubt the brain area that handles sensation as it seems I've lost sensation to the right arm and other places, not knowing if there little instrument is sharp or blunt when tested.

It should be next week when things starts to happen, I've been an emotional mess, 42 and maybe have permanent damage to the nervous system. Depending on the outcome will determine if I'll be around for a long time or short one, cannot keep living like this, so hopefully something can be done, and quickly.

Sorry I couldn't give you good news, but that's life sometimes.

I thought I'd post this up in case some members may be curious as to why I have gone quiet, God willing I can continue to contribute and help when I can, I have a huge battle on my hands and have no idea of the outcome that lays before me.

Thank you all for the fellowship/friendships, it's been a pleasure being a part of the forum. I hope I can get over this and that family won't have to post a fallen message.

Kind Regards

Andrew Mc
:(.... I was just going to PM you yesterday and see if you were doing ok.. I remember you saying something about your health... My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I hope too see you around soon! If there is something i can do for you let me know.

Once a Suzuki brother always a Suzuki brother :D

:suzuki: :aussie:
Our thoughts and prayers for a speedy and full recovery Andrew. Like NaturalEdge said, Stay positive and keep us posted. In return we will give you all the moral support we can. :thumb:
:cheers: to a speedy recovery mate :cheers:

Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

You WILL return to DBA, You WILL make it through this, You must have the WILL to return!

Ride on Andrew :aussie:

God willing you will return to full throttle. I'll keep you in my prayer group Andrew and we will see you around the forum. YOU stay positive and keep up with whatever it takes too. You are family here so not to worry, we all got your back brother. God Bless man!

Every thing these guys has said is right on point,,, keep your head up and charge it full on with the most positive attitude you can have brother. Hope everything comes out ok, keep us in the loop :thumb: