69 VW Bug - Project

Did you not see the word, "Conversion"

Let me help!
conversion [kənˈvɜːʃən]
a. a change or adaptation in form, character, or function
b. something changed in one of these respects

Obliviously ABC, CDA reads!

I read just fine. I saw auto and conversion in a sentence that was in a VW bug thread. Auto is not allowed in VWs, now My mind might be shot, so if the 69's had an auto in it back then and it was converted back to a manual, then thanks for the slap in the face P841. I would say, "why you got to embarrass me in front of my friends like that", but I don't think I have any friends on here....
I read just fine. I saw auto and conversion in a sentence that was in a VW bug thread. Auto is not allowed in VWs, now My mind might be shot, so if the 69's had an auto in it back then and it was converted back to a manual, then thanks for the slap in the face P841. I would say, "why you got to embarrass me in front of my friends like that", but I don't think I have any friends on here....
I'll be your friend :wave: Of course, with friends like me, who needs.....