Motorcycle Essay

No. I went into Mexico.(1993)I made it as far south as Ensenada. I turned around because Mexico is a scary place to be by yourself on a bike. The farthest north was British Columbia or Regina, Saskatchewan, or Caribou, Maine. (I'd have to check the map!) The farthest south was the Florida Keys. The farthest east was Okracoke Island in the Outer Banks, NC. Most awesome place to cruise on a bike: Monument National Park at dusk or the Grand Tetons at sunrise. The worst place(s): North Dakota, Nebraska, Saskatchewan. Coincidentally, Travace, that was my goal in my "bucket list": coast to coast, north to south on a bike. I finished it in 2009. It took me 6 long assed trips starting in 1987! My last trip was to do the eastern seaboard and to go to the most eastern point in America. I'm done! Now what am I gonna do?:thinking:

Taking the ferry back to the mainland from Okracoke island. My bike is front of the pickup. You can see the lighthouse on the horizon.
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Another "most eastern point". I camped on the beach next to Cape Hatteras lighthouse.
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I have been to okracoke AWESOME place.
Well, in VA if you are 19 or older, you only have to hold it for 30 days. But under 19, you have to hold the permit for 9 months. :banghead:

:lol: I didn't know if you meant "what are you expecting" or "are you expecting"

But no, not yet. I get my auto license in September (already passed all driving tests and other tests, now just waiting). Then I'll be going for my motorcycle license, and 9 more long months.