When my son totaled the truck we bought him, we said he has to find and buy the next one. He saved and lined up a few craigslist cars to go look at. A couple Honda Accord, etc.. anyway we meet the first guy at a parking lot, pulls up in a fairly used and bruised sedan with paper plates. Of course, meaning the car is either in the process of being registered or unregistered so how the Fk can you sell it? Pass.
Next guy in another parking lot, same. Paper plates.
Next guy different parking lot, it’s the first guy again in a different car. Wtf is going on? There’s a scam here somewhere I can smell it like a stack of tree shaped air fresheners. I had a feeling as soon as a handful of cash came out, the gun came out. I tell my boy I’m taking over, drove to a dealer used lot and I kicked in a couple grand. Oh we still got robbed, but at least he got a car out of the deal.