Random News

:shocked: Damn, didn't realize that they still behead people.


3,000 in a row or......:noidea:
Probably the guy serves his twenty and just before they give him back his watch and personal effects, they say, "well you've been a model prisoner and we hope you have a happy and productive life now that we are walking you out the freedom door. Just one more thing, we just have to lash you 3000 times. ". .........

:noidea: Don't do something to another person that you wouldn't want done to yourself.
i dislike most all of the major media but Fox bothers me the most. i know this is little but it makes a big impact.

the title states the judge ORDERED her to cut off the hair. it makes it sound way harsh and pretty extreme but when you read it wasnt really a ORDER. he gave her the option cut her hair off for a reduced sentence. she had a choice... :finger: Fox news
i dislike most all of the major media but Fox bothers me the most. i know this is little but it makes a big impact.

the title states the judge ORDERED her to cut off the hair. it makes it sound way harsh and pretty extreme but when you read it wasnt really a ORDER. he gave her the option cut her hair off for a reduced sentence. she had a choice... :finger: Fox news

Can I interject? There are ZERO Us news stations that present a good newscast that is factual and unbiased. Really, I get my true factual news from places like Liveleak and even BBC and AlJezeera if you get you get up early enough in the morning.

Anything that comes from the US is biased or geared toward junk like the Kardashians.... I'm so ashamed to be an American if those outside our country view us by what they see on TV.


Staff member
i dislike most all of the major media but Fox bothers me the most. i know this is little but it makes a big impact.

the title states the judge ORDERED her to cut off the hair. it makes it sound way harsh and pretty extreme but when you read it wasnt really a ORDER. he gave her the option cut her hair off for a reduced sentence. she had a choice... :finger: Fox news
What news organization (TV or paper) doesn't play on words for their headlines? The idea is to grab your attention and make you read the story.

Heck here's one I saw on CNN "Beating changes MLB rivalry" and it links to this http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/20...6/27/giants-dodgers-fans/index.html?hpt=hp_t3

At least Fox doesn't selectively edit video to make it appear as if a certain presidential candidate is amazed by a fast food joint's ordering process. Or edit the Trayvon Martin 911 call so it sounds like Zimmerman is racial profiling Martin. Need I continue?

Fox News (their actual news during the day) is probably the most balanced of them all. However their opinion shows (The O'Riley Factor, Hannity, and On The Record) tend to lean slightly right while all the other TV news channels lean left.
im not saying they all dont do it.. they all do it... Fox is one of the worst at it tho.

and you are nieve to think fox doesnt cut video for agenda. i guarantee they do it as well. jsut not outed right now.
sure they do.. and with recording devices we will start to catch them more and more. this is nothing new... jsut big news now cause it was so blatantly busted and it has to do with the elections.
I like FOX, whats the big deal, too main stream for you all, what, you all bend over for volcom now?

OHHHH.... gotcha :thumb: nevermind

But in seriousness, I like fox more than any other, mostly because I'm just fed up with this liberal media bullshit about how our lovely president is nice enough to give up lube well he butt :f:'s us all. :picard: In real relation though, I don't watch the news much, most of it is just depressing stuff I'd rather not know, although I pay close attention to the political aspect to hopefully be able to make a good decision for myself and future family is all else fails. Other than that, I don't care to know about how great obama is, or hear about these kids being abused by crackhead parents on a daily basis, while an overweight child (or now parent) is separated from their loving caring family for being "lazy" just because drug addiction is a 'disease'. It's sad man, it really runs you into the ground, that kind of stuff could make you cry :(