i need an affordable helmet light

i need a light for my helmet so i can commute back and forth to work... getting to work isn't the problem. it's the ride home at 11pm and pitch black. anybody have a suggestion for something affordable? i'm not real worried about battery life as it's only a ten minutes scoot but do need something that's fairly bright and CHEAP. I don't want to spend a hundred and some bucks for something i'm only going to use once in a while. i mean yeah i've seen the cyclops and all those lights and they look great but hell i've seen led flashlights that run off of simple c batteries that put out a good deal of light.
Milk getting ready for work...

TrailTech makes a nice set up but it's going to be expensive.

The problem is you want to do this cheap, I'm not sure it can be done right for cheap.
i just don't see the point in dropping hundreds of dollars into something that's going to get used every once in a while. and i DEFINITELY don't want to light my bike itself up. don't need the weight etc... guess i'll just have to play around with some lights and see what i can come up with. with all the high output led's out now days though you'd figure there would be a decent headlamp that would put the beam down the range a good 100' or so :noidea: hell my buddy has a c cell flashlight that's brighter than a spotlight. no joke.
There are less expensive flashlights that you can use. Mounting can be a challenge. An example is this one DealExtreme: $19.20 UltraFire WF-501B MC-E (BIN M) 800-Lumen LED Flashlight (1*18650) or in a 5 mode version for less than a $1 more DealExtreme: $20.00 UltraFire WF-501B MC-E (BIN M) 5-Mode 800-Lumen LED Flashlight (1*18650) You can also get the required lithium batteries and a charger from that same site for a about $10 to $15. Just make sure that whatever you buy says it is in stock or the wait can be considerable. That light says 800 lumens, but it is closer to 600.

If you want to get a dedicated light the cheapest is the Magicshine. It varies between $80 and $90. It is available from that same site, but you can get it a lot faster at Magicshine : GeoMan Gear, The best products, the best prices, & Lightnin Fast service! A helmet mount is optional, but the mount is not really made for MC helmets so it will take a little bit of figuring out.