250 1991 Yz250-Wr250 Conversion

Hey, I read about a wr250 Yamaha made as a "enduro" version of the yz250. I was wondering since the wr250s are pretty rare I was going to try and convert a yz250 into a wr250 if that's possible. If it is possible what parts or modifications I would need to make it work. Thanks a bunch.


Staff member
The WR has a wide ratio transmission, so gears will be swapped, and some other features that make it closer to a WR.
I don't think the bodywork was functionally different.
I think Palmer has done a few of these transmission upgrades. @PALMER84ONE
Good Luck!
-BIG DAN:thumb:
What does that little dark dog have on its head? It looks like its wearing Palmers toupee. :smirk:

Hey, I read about a wr250 Yamaha made as a "enduro" version of the yz250. I was wondering since the wr250s are pretty rare I was going to try and convert a yz250 into a wr250 if that's possible. If it is possible what parts or modifications I would need to make it work. Thanks a bunch.
Complete WR would be from a WR400/426, 3, 4, 5the gear just get the YZ250X.
Complete WR is getting hard to find as the first gear axle is NLA. Must grind case to get 1st gear wheel to fit.