South You wanna ride 2.2.13?

One of these days I would like to check out Rower, never been there. This weekend is not a good one though, Supercross Sat night and Superbowl Sunday.
I may be good for a local ride tomorrow. I was suppose to head out and ride with PT and gang today, but last night I ended up working way too long. Went to bed nearly 2am. hit the alarm at 5am and went back to sleep as I was not even ready to get my butt out of bed. Finally woke up again at 9am.​
Cool Sarge, let me know.
I did not want to go on the PT ride. Too many un-prepared bikes and riders.
I went through all my Co2, patches, and food for other people, by mile 16.
I thought it would be fun, and a new spot to check out. Would of gone, but worked late last night and then couldn't get up after a few short hours of sleep. I would rather be fresh and ready for something new. not sleepy and burnt out. recipe for dirt naps.