[Official] Throw Back Thursday Thread

every Thursday we will post a throw back picture in this thread.

my first TBT pic is from when we were trying to really build this sites community... so i ps'ed this up for everyone to print out and hang at the local track...

:lol: dont think i ever actually hung one up anywhere
every Thursday we will post a throw back picture in this thread.

my first TBT pic is from when we were trying to really build this sites community... so i ps'ed this up for everyone to print out and hang at the local track...

:lol: dont think i ever actually hung one up anywhere
nice typo at the bottom... dirtbieaddicts.com

my TBT
this was april 2010!
but how do you prove that the pic was taken on Thursday?

lol NH i think i have the fixed version i just didnt catch it on the uploaded one.