Happy (belated) Birthday Hollywood!

Ok 1st prize for worst dad ever... is me!.... so wrapped up in work I forgot to start a thread for Hollywood Kid... turned 14 yrs old on flag day (6/14)......
Happy 14th Kiddo!
Happy birthday bro :thumb:
2nd prize is

:thumb: Happy Birthday Hollywood. I guess a day late BD thread, is better then no thread at all. Also, I've got a special Birthday post for you, so just let me know when you're 18, and I'll send it right over.:P
:thumb: Happy Birthday Hollywood. I guess I day late BD thread, is better then no thread at all. Also, I've got a special Birthday post for you, so just let me know when you're 18, and I'll send it right over.:P

Would have thought JR would have given me a shout out two weeks ago! But NO. :rant: Happy Late Hollywood....:wave: