Does race gas (high octane) burn hotter?


Staff member
Had a "debate" with a buddy on if race gas (high octane) burns hotter or colder then regular gas. The higher the octane the higher the ignition point, correct?
I was told it burns colder because it burns more cleanly, and the leftover non-burned gas that regular fuel leaves creates more heat somehow. But what do i know, i'm 14 :noidea:
Combustion temperature and octane are pretty much unrelated. Now fuel is a complicated mixture of many different components. There is some variation in combustion temps between the different chemicals that make up a particular fuel. For example alcohol has a high octane, but a relatively lower combustion temp. One chemical that you don't want in your fuel is n-heptane. It's the zero reference for an octane measurement. It will burn hotter than the alcohol. I don't know the exact numbers, but I think that an aromatic like toluene which is 114 octane rating will burn a bit hotter than the n-heptane.
Race gas burns cooler than pump because of its density. Unless you start getting into the oxygen infused stuff then I think that burns hotter.but slightly cooler than pump.
No. It should be the same. octane relates to the length of burn and ability to withstand combustion without pre-detonation(high comp engines).