Christmas 2013

Let's see... it'd be..........
Wife -
* A mothers ring that she asked for (last one broke)
* Dallas Cowboy's stuff (huge fan)
* ??? don't know yet, haven't given it much thought yet
I'm going to get her a new office chair. Isn't that romantic?

Kind of like the ironing board I bought my wife one year... the thing is she ASKED for one... I bought it at the local Sears (at the mall0 and while walking through it I ran into a girl from work , she asked what's with the board, I told her she told me I sucked..... even though I told her my wife asked for it and she's NOT the type to throw hints... if that's what she wants, that's what she wants not a diamond ring or new car..... I was in the doghouse at work for about a month... if there is such a thing. :lol:
Kind of like the ironing board I bought my wife one year... the thing is she ASKED for one... I bought it at the local Sears (at the mall0 and while walking through it I ran into a girl from work , she asked what's with the board, I told her she told me I sucked..... even though I told her my wife asked for it and she's NOT the type to throw hints... if that's what she wants, that's what she wants not a diamond ring or new car..... I was in the doghouse at work for about a month... if there is such a thing. :lol:
Yes, this is what she asked for. Valentines she got the new Outback Subaru, Birthday she got the house in Prescott, Christmas she is getting a new office chair, and I already got her a new dog, Golden Retriever. The poodle had to go to a rescue because he is allergic to Oak and Sycamore trees and look where we live in Silverado. Just was not fair to him.
No such a place at work unless you are free lancing the ladies behind the wifes back!

I'm going to get her 5'-7" and 185 pounds of love.
Guess thats the same as 6" of wood! :hug: