If Yam would get their head out of their ass they would base the WR450 on the new YZ450, fuel inj, etc. Street legal version is a must!!!
I agree. I am thinking about buying my son a 2008 wr 250 that the local dealer has left over. I can get it for $5600OTD. The youngun does not need the latest model year.
So is $5600 a decent price for a left over 2008 WR250F?
You better throw that thing on the ground and see if he can pick it up. (lol) I can check the price here at D&E.
If Yam would get their head out of their ass they would base the WR450 on the new YZ450, fuel inj, etc. Street legal version is a must!!!
My uninformed dealer said the 2011 wr will be based on the new YZ. Thats one reason they didn't come out with a 2011 WR. If they are not to heavy I will get one at the end of 11. I don't like to get the first ones, Let em work out the bugs.better expect a 10,000 msrp at best